Friday, June 18, 2010

books for the iPad

Wow, I don't know what to make of this yet. It never occurred to me that digital readers would change books and reading in this way. The animating seems interesting, exciting and in some cases very artistic, but at the same time, what does it do to our attention span (or the kids') if even our books make noise and have moving pictures? I would say these fall into the category of "high end screen time" rather than reading -- better than watching junk, but not really reading either? Perhaps like watching learn to read shows on PBS? Also, the "read to you" function is really just a leap pad -- though this illustrates another way that the iPad is great for a mom who only has to carry one thing with her.


Right Said Red said...

Yeah, it seems a little less like "reading" and more like computer time to me. I think the computer can be a great learning tool, but it should never replace the use of real books. At what point is an illustrated computerized book the same as a movie?

On a totally different note, our friend and neighbor just sold an app to Apple for this series of comic book style illustrations to James Joyce's Ulysses...

JMB said...

The iPad and Kindle are great for traveling. Just toting around books (even paperbacks) can be so cumbersome at times. I also like the fact that you can download a couple of novels, or mags or articles so if you get bored with one, you can easily move on to the next and you are not stuck carrying around all these paperbacks and mags. It's the future and it's good!


I agree with Right Said Red. Computers should never replace real tangible books!

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