Saturday, January 24, 2009

current occupation: Mom

I thought our readers might be interested in this article by my grandfather's cousin, who is still an active journalist at 82 years of age. Interestingly, two New York City moms were mentioned for Clinton's New York Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy, and a current congressional Rep, Caroline Maloney (a Princeton parent). Neither of them got it. Sometimes I wonder if I will re-enter the workforce one day, and how I will answer for the large "employment" gap on my resume, certainly our time is not spent being idle.

'Mom' on a resume should command respect

1 comment:

JesusThroughMary said...

Kirsten Gillibrand is a mom, too - in fact, she gave birth to her second child while serving in Congress. She only went to Dartmouth, but still...

She's also a "Catholic". Woot. I'd rather have no Catholics in public office than dissenting Catholics.