Just back from my run, and I noticed that several houses still have Christmas wreaths on the door, slowly turning brown and confusing the crocuses which are popping up on the lawns. My wreaths are off the door, so you cannot see them from the street, but my dirty secret is that they are still lying on the ground beside the door! So, in this third week of Lent, join me now in throwing away your Christmas wreath. Get up right now and do it, the computer will still be here when you get back.
If you are self-righteously laughing at all of us slackers, I challenge you to go take a look around your house. There is one thing that has been sitting somewhere so long that you don't even see it anymore, a news clipping on your fridge that has yellowed, a pair of shoes kicked into a corner long ago, the pile of stuff that has accumulated on top of your dryer. Be thankful that you put your wreaths away long ago and instead go tackle that one thing!
I did it! Let us know if you did...
I just made a "Stations of the Cross" box for the boys...the materials were in a ziploc bag in my pantry for many weeks! Thanks for the nudge, MA!
Are you sure you can't see through that computer screen into my house, MA?? :)
Tex, what's in the box? We have lots of whining and wiggling during out friday night stations, I would love to have some ideas to make it more hands on for them!
Here are two similar examples of station of the cross boxes: http://ponderedinmyheart.typepad.com/pondered_in_my_heart/2009/03/stations-of-the-cross-for-littles.html
And I printed out these Montessori style cards for the boys to keep track/match to each object: http://ukbookworm.blogspot.com/2008/02/stations-of-cross-three-part-cards.html
haha! Last year we left our wreath up for so long that a bird built her nest inside! When I went to move the wreath, the bird flew out and scared me half to death!
If you think you're a slacker because you have homemade Montessori Stations of the Cross cards in ziploc bags instead of homemade wooden boxes, you need to drink a cold beer this morning while your kids watch Cars : )
JM, I love you.
Tex, those 3 part cards are amazing! I am going to have my kids make little booklets using one copy.
Our local Atrium is not operating now, but I need to do more montessori religion works, please keep sharing if you have found more!
Red, we had several perching birds in our Christmas wreath all season. Twice I opened the door to unplug the Christmas lights and the birds flew in our house!!! It was insanity! By the second time, you should have seen GG and I. We were a precision team, closing all the doors and positioning ourselves in various parts of the house in order to be most efficient in our bird removal tactics! I am happy to say, we were humanely successful both times and the boys had a great time watching it all play out.
Mary Alice, the Christmas wreath is now down and you are motivating me to get off my duff and store it in the Christmas boxes. Done!
JM, for the record, our Chirstmas wreath is STILL on our front door!!! I kid you not.
And I put the hands-on materials for the stations of the cross box in an 18-egg carton. Perfect dividers. No custom wood boxes here :-)
Ok, seriously, I'm going to go take down our wreath now. And then go have a beer.
Just took down a fake Christmas tree from my son's room yesterday--he kept telling me, "It's Lent! I shouldn't have a Christmas tree in my room!"
Tex, you are so sweet and such a good sport : ) XOXO
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Thanks.package service
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