Thursday, April 30, 2009
"Economic Stimulus" packages won't save the American economy; two-parent families with several children will

techno meltdown
my computer
my ipod
my radio
my alarm clock
my cell phone
my dvd player
my camera's memory card
I am taking this as a bit of a sign that I need to disconnect! I hope to make it through the summer as an analog homeschool mom, and spend some time thinking and praying about what role, if any, all of this technology should play in my life, and the life of my children.
I have seen benefits (no temptation to check email) and also downsides (no pictures of first haircut, no google maps for directions).
I do know one thing, though, if I am going to make a major investment in technology all at once I am going to make sure that it is integrated.
A really sweet laptop could replace almost all of the above devices, since our TV just happens to have a computer port.
Running without music has been interesting, I have started to enjoy it now that the weather is nice, but it is hard to get out on gray days with no music. I have also stopped using my husband's fancy watch, so I don't know my pace or splits of any kind, I just go for a run around the neighborhood and come home when I feel tired. This is not a good training plan long term, but for keep me moving post-race it seems to be working just fine.
So, if you don't hear from me for a while, we are all okay, we've just taken a field trip to the 80's!
Make Your Way to Carvel This Afternoon...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
St. Gianna
Almost seven years ago, our first daughter, Therese Joy, was diagnosed in utero with a fatal neural tube defect called anencephaly. In the days and weeks following Therese's diagnosis, I literally survived on the prayers of hundreds of friends. Some of these friends I have never met, and others I have had the pleasure of meeting after the birth and death of my daughter. One such woman mailed me a relic of then Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla. This woman wrote me a letter, promised to pray fervently for our intentions, asked me to read St. Gianna's book, and to wear the relic.
I don't wear jewlrey (other than my wedding ring), and this relic was huge! Yet after reading Gianna's book, I felt very drawn to her life, and could very much relate to the suffering she must have felt during her last pregnancy. I drew great strength from her story, and began to pray for her intercession. I wore the relic daily for the remainder of my pregnancy. I even wore it during my labor and delivery of Therese.
After the birth and death of Therese I prayed fervently for the gift of another baby to love, and this time to keep. All the suffering of my pregnancy, all the pains of labor, were so worth it to hold Therese in my arms--even for just a few hours. I wanted to do it all again, and this time to have a baby to take home.
As the weeks and months passed, my grief over losing Therese grew deeper, and my prayers for a child grew more and more desperate. Each cycle brought about new feelings of hopelessness and sadness. I was consumed with doubt that we would ever have another baby, let alone a healthy baby. I grew more and more depressed. I felt sorry for myself, angry at God that my daugther had died, and frustrated that it was taking so long to be blessed with another baby. I felt like I had done everything God asked of me, I even gave him my only daugther. I never once asked God to heal Therese, because I felt very strongly that this was not His will. And yet there I was, feeling totally abandomed and alone.
I was self-consumed and full of anxiety. I cried almost every day. I felt totally helpless. Friends announced their pregnancies to me, and every time it was like a knife in my heart. Why were so many women blessed with multiple healthy children, and yet my baby died and I wasn't getting pregnant! I then felt guilty for not rejoicing in their news. What a terrible friend I was! It was a vicious cycle.
At just about the lowest point in my grief--and my life--my spiritual director called me out on being self-consumed with my own problems. He challenged me to start thinking of other people and how I could, even in my own grief, serve other women. He assured me that I was not going to get out of my funk and depression if I kept thinking about myself.
Right around this same time, I heard the sad news that one of the couples we knew at the law school had just had their adoption fall through. Kristen worked at the law school library, and her husband attended the school with me and my husband. Kristen always greeted me with a big smile when I walked into the library. She and her husband had been struggling with infertilty for years, and doing so in strong Catholic circles where pregnancies are announced on a very regular basis.
The news of their failed adoption hit me very hard. I suddenly felt this intense sadness for someone other than myself. I remembered Kristen, who didn't know me very well, crying when she heard the news of our daugther's illness. It was the week after Therese's diagnosis, and Kristen approached me after Mass with tears in her eyes as she told me how sorry she was about Therese. She promised to pray, and I knew she would. That moment in the past was suddenly clear as day, and I found myself crying tears of sorrow for her. I thought, she must feel like me, empty, lost, confused, and hurt. I began to pray for her immediately, and I helped to organize a spiritual bouquet for her. The roses we gave her lived for weeks, and I later discovered that she was very moved by the gesture.
Kristen responded to their failed adoption with a novena to St. Gianna. She asked for a baby girl, who she planned to name Gianna. Very shortly thereafter, in miraculous fashion, she received a call that a baby girl had been born and that they were chosen to be the adoptive parents.
I never remember feeling such joy at the birth of a friend's baby. Kristen's suffering had been so great, and it was a great blessing to know she had a beautiful baby girl to love and cherish. Ever since the death of Therese, I had to run and hide from the babies of friends and family. Each new child seemed to remind me so poignently of my own loss and suffering. But Kristen's Gianna was an answer to my prayers, and every time I saw her I was reminded that God was indeed good, and that sometimes he does say yes to the intentions of our hearts.
Soon afterwards, Kristen informed me of her novena to St. Gianna, and she challenged me to pray the same novena, asking for a healthy baby girl who I would name Gianna. While it took me almost two months to feel ready for another novena, I eventually did as she advised. The next month, I discovered I was pregnant, and nine months later we met our own baby Gianna. And in typical Divine fashion, then Blessed Gianna was canonized just weeks after our Gianna's birth. It was a joyous time indeed!
The life of a new baby brought great healing to my very broken heart. While the pain and sadness of losing Therese will always remain a part of who I am, much of the bitterness, anger, and fear disappeared when I heard our Gianna's first cry. Gianna is always a reminder to me that life's greatest joys are indeed accompanied by deep suffering. She reminds me daily of the sweetness of life, and that even amidst suffering, God hears our cries and answers our prayers.
You can read Kristen's story here, and do check out her beautiful blog. She is an amazing writer, and just a beautiful person. When I came across her blog I cried tears of joy as I read about her Gianna. Through the intercession of St. Gianna, we both have beautiful young girls to love. May God Bless you all today on this great feast!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mary Ann Glendon Turns Down the Laetare Medal

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our Audience with Queen Bean
Danielle flew in from New Hampshire to speak at the conference, and MaryAlice and I acted as her chauffeurs for the weekend. What a blessing to meet Danielle in person. In my earliest days of parenthood, I remember reading Danielle's first book, My Cup of Tea, and feeling very uplifted by her words and perspective. Unlike many other parenting books I had read, Danielle always seemed to focus on the positive side of things, drawing moral lessons from her personal parenting experiences, without being judgmental or preachy. I loved her approach to motherhood instantly, and I have followed her writing and her daily blog ever since.
Many of the builders see Danielle in a similar light, and, amongst ourselves, some of us jokingly call her "Queen Bean" ;-)
Danielle is truly a mother-encourager extraordinaire. Her talk, How to Handle Burnout, was full of humor, humility, and wisdom, as well as practical tips for excelling in my vocation as a mother, spouse, and friend. Since burnout is something that I have very recently struggled with (remember that awful 1st trimester!), the doubts I had about mothering a larger family AND homeschooling were still fresh in my mind. After hearing Danielle speak, and being around so many wonderful mothers, I left the conference with a renewed excitement about our plans for this fall.
And, as a funny aside...
I pulled into the parking lot of Danielle's hotel Saturday morning and I turned too sharply, scraping the side of my minivan into an unforgiving yellow pole. Danielle watched the entire scene unfold, and then helped me back out and avoid further damage to my car. I was quite embarrassed! Danielle is of course so gracious that she assured me of her own driving trials, which I'm sure were grossly exaggerated for my own benefit.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Techno Parenting

Thursday, April 23, 2009
How Do You Rue?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Peanut Butter and Sunscreen

As I titled this post I laughed remembering writing an email to the builders in our pre-blog days titled "avocados and chicken pox" and Red wrote back how disappointed she was when discovered it was not about some obscure link between eating avocados and getting chicken pox.
So, on two unrelated notes:
I know Mary Alice has confessed a similar love of Costco's organic peanut butter. My question is this. How does one stir in the oil that separates out from natural peanut butter without making a complete mess?? Is is possible? Every time I open a new jar I approach it with renewed resolve to get it right and not make a mess on my counter and leave a coating of oil all over the outside of the jar.
And every time I fail. Miserably.
Does anyone have any tricks? If so, please be specific! Despite my tenure in the engineering department of an ivy league university I am perplexed beyond belief!!
And also, since we are at the beach this week (this is auto-posting) --this just a friendly reminder from Texas to throw out all your old, expired sunscreen and stock up on new stuff. We have had friends get severely burned because they used expired sunscreen. It still takes me 45 minutes to get the kids in coat/gloves/hats, but I can lather a kid in sunscreen in my sleep!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Are we doing permanent damage?
But when I showed the nickel to my daughter, she surprised me with this comment: "Mama, is that William Wallace on the nickel?"
I blame my husband and his infamous Braveheart monologues.
But now that she mentions it, I do see a resemblance:

For those concerned, don't worry - we haven't actually allowed the kids to watch the movie, only the freedom speech.
Monday, April 20, 2009
An Unexpected Easter Gift
I really appreciated that affirmation, and it meant a lot coming from my mother. It is always a great gift when others make positive comments about our children, because it lets us know that the seeds that we have planted in our children are, in fact, blooming, and that we are on the right track as parents. And it meant a lot coming from my mother, who knows me so well and has loved me for my whole life. My parents spent a lot of time and resources on my education, and for most of my life I moved from one tangible achievement to another. There were tests to be studied for, plays to audition for, races to run, and recitals to perform in. There were applications to be submitted, jobs to apply for, and events to plan. Once I finished graduate school, life slowed down a bit. I prepared for the birth of our second child and for a cross-country move, and decided that I would step out of the world of education and paid-work and into the world of home-making. I have appreciated the focused time that I have been able to spend working on my skills as a mother and as the primary person who takes care of our home. I have had to learn how to clean a house well, which type of schedules work for me and which don't, how to make guests feel welcome and comfortable in our home, and how to fix things when they break. I have tried to be creative in how I spend time with my children, and strive to work hard during the week so that weekends can be real family time. All of this is hard work; it is not paid work, but it is fulfilling, invigorating, and exciting work nonetheless. I am thankful for the opportunity to be home with my children, and I am grateful for all of those who have affirmed me along the way!
Mary, Mother of us all, pray for us!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Doubting Thomases
My humble prayer will be: "Lord, please let me, even in my wounded imperfect state - as you were when you appeared to the twelve after your Resurrection-, serve as an inspiration of faith to those for whom I care most deeply. Please offer them your peace even though they do not yet see you."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Marshmallow Test

Back in the 1960s, a researcher learned a lot about willpower from studying hundreds of four-year-olds left alone in a room with a marshmallow or cookie...I have no idea what my kids would do. Charlie has been sneaking Easter Candy since Easter Sunday. He hasn't yet figured out that the chocolate dripping down his face and his now empty Easter basket are huge clues that he has disobeyed mom's orders. I bet he would fail the test within seconds. Gianna is so obedient, I have a little more faith in her. She does have a HUGE sweet tooth, which could ultimately lead to her downfall. I'm guessing she might have the will-power if she respected the "researcher" or adult who told her to wait.The Columbia University studies, now known in collegiate circles as the "Marshmallow Tests," sought to find a common element among the children who could resist giving into the most primal test of willpower—a sweet treat, left on a table for them, with (supposedly) nobody watching. The tykes were told that they could have two of the marshmallows or cookies if they waited until the researcher came back in the room. Many of them, naturally, gave out within minutes, or even seconds, but some waited as long as 20 minutes until the adult returned.
Apparently, in the study, the kids who showed will-power and resisted the tempting marshmallows used two techniques--distraction and different thinking.
Watch Mischel's video of the children in the marshmallow studies and you will see a familiar set of behaviors. There is kicking of tables, there is singing of songs, there is counting of numbers and twirling of hair and many other variations on this theme. What the children are doing, says Mischel, is distracting themselves. Distraction, says Mischel, is actually a perfectly respectable away of exerting willpower. You simply shift your attention away whenever temptation crops up.
The other technique involved re-focusing the mind on the long-term implications of the short-term indulgence. I'm not sure how they measured this, but a child who fears disappointing an authority figure would probably fall into this category.
I'm really curious as to how my children would do at this study. I'm also curious as to how B-Mama would perform. I've seen her with sweets, and it is a frightening sight!h/t-- Mr. Red
Thursday, April 16, 2009
7 Quick Takes: Post-Lent and Easter Week

(2) Alleluia is a word unlike any other. The only thing that could have set my soul more ablaze with Easter joy than hearing Alleluia after these weeks was seeing Bella’s countenance light up as she heard the same first Easter Alleluia. Alleluia!
(3) What should fasting look like for a mother? I need to revamp my approach here, because this Good Friday, by evening, it looked like a sullen, grumpy heap of fried mother and ungenerous hostess. Before motherhood, the discomfort of hunger was a good discomfort that drew me into deeper contemplation of and union with Christ’s suffering. Now, I get so low on energy that resentment starts to creep in and derail any chance I may have had at contemplation in the midst of this active life.
(4) Easter egg hunts are still thrilling, not just vicariously through my children but even for me as an adult. Is it the springtime cheerfulness of brightly colored eggs scattered in fresh green grass? Is the knowledge of candy within? Or is it the voraciously competitive spirit ready to be unleashed at any opportunity?
(5) If only Mass was standing-room-only every Sunday as it is on Easter Sunday.
(6) Kat, the Resurrection Roll activity/recipe that you posted here totally stole the show on Holy Saturday. My kids thought it was amazing, and Bean is still begging for more “Jesus graveyards” (don’t worry, he got the point, even if not the name). I wonder how these would work with our leftover Peeps.
(7) Does microwaving Peeps ever lose its appeal?
A Help on the Journey
Kimberly writes like a big sister who gently guides you in what you need to know, humbly sharing what she has learned through experience. The introduction, which could stand alone as an article and which I plan to use with my mothers' group, explains the Five "P"s of the motherly vocation that Holly Pierlot introduced as part of the Mother's Rule of Life. These priorities -- prayer, person, partner, parent and provider in that order -- help a mother to get her bearings and create her plan. This concept was, to me, the best part of Holly's book, and Kimberly explains them beautifully and helps us to fit them into a life that feels more familiar to me than Holly's jump from total chaos to total structure. If, like me, you have read A Mother's Rule of Life and walked away inspired but totally confused and overwhelmed, you may find this book more helpful.
In the rest of the book, Kimberly leads us through a bible study of one of B-Mama's favorites, the Proverbs 31 woman, and uses anecdotes and advice to help mothers try to be like this woman. In each chapter she also explains one of the Catholic Church's seven sacraments. I have to state that the connections are a bit forced in some places, but still the explanations of the sacraments are a useful reference and reminder, helpful in apostolate to non-Catholic christians and also as we teach our own children.
Please note, you do not have to read A Mother's Rule of Life before reading this book, it stands alone and in fact is more helpful, in my opinion. Kimberly also has a bible study tape series on the subject of A Mother's Rule of Life, and which is more closely connected to that book.
Graced and Gifted by Kimberly Hahn is available from Catholic Company.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Choose Your Own Adventure

A) decides to ditch the stroller and go for the baby Bjorn, crawling over child #2, and muscling sweet infant into the carrier while huddling within the minivan to avoid the rain. She manages to unlatch the older boys and all process into preschool with mom's one hand on the umbrella and the other holding child #2, who is holding onto child #1. Whew!
B) decides to ditch the stroller and make a run for it with all the children. She props the infant on her hip, holds the umbrella with the same hand, and hopes for the best while grabbing both older boys' hands and making the dash inside. The two on the outside become unfortunately wet as they are the furthest from the center of the umbrella. Oh well!
C) opts for the stroller (who's on time anyway?) and requires child #1 to push it while holding child #2's hand and preventing both stroller and children from dashing in any inadvertant directions, thus threatening their precious lives. Lord, help us!
D) says to heck with Virginia State Law and leaves her car idling at the drop-off doors with the two youngest inside only to dash in with child #1 and get him there in the nick of time! Yes!
E) says to heck with child abandonment and runs the other direction without any children! She's free!! :)
Can you tell what a spectacle we were?? :)
The bottomline, if we had only been on time we would have been the picture of optimization and organization. Oh, if only! You can find what adventure we chose in the comments... and I can promise you, the answer is not E!!!! God bless!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Blessings
And just because I couldn't resist, below is a shot of our kids at Easter Sunday Mass.
And as an aside, the weather is expected to be in the 70's this weekend, and I am officially over my 1st trimester trials. I'm ravenously hungry, and I officially gained 5 pounds in just 2 days. The flowers are blooming and so am I! MaryAlice's timely post has inspired me to start a daily walking routine and keep fit during my pregnancy.
Happy Easter Everyone!
First Communion Banner
1 -- don't over think it
2 -- choice within limits
3 -- it is the child's project
So, I suggested some possible shapes, and Peter chose these. We bought felt and I sketched them using chalk on the felt. After looking for templates online I just decided to do it freehand. He cut them out, decided where to put them and glued them on. The Rel. Ed office will add a dowel at the top and ribbons, and this will adorn our pew for the Mass.
I did give him the option of adding some glitter glue adornment and I was delighted that he chose not to. He added the cross in pencil to the host, and told me that a host is not sparkly. Good point.
I managed to walk the tightrope between his and my perfectionism, and because we kept it really simple we have a nice end product. He is really proud and excited to be preparing to recieve the sacrament. Also, we sat alone in the school room and did this, which was really nice time together, and isn't that the point of family crafts, after all.
Monday, April 13, 2009
6 Kids, 6.2 Miles
Here we are, back at my mother's house, where we got to enjoy hot showers and yummy pizza. The next morning we celebrated the Resurrection by attending mass with my grandmother (so special) and indulging in an extravagant brunch with my family. The only thing missing from our Easter was a lamb shaped coconut cake, but I have decided tonight that since Easter lasts for many weeks I am going to keep celebrating Easter throughout the liturgical season by baking every weekend, which will mean I have to keep up those long runs!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Blessed Triduum

Resurrection Rolls
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Praising God Today
Many of you were praying, and for that I want to say thank you. We had our ultrasound this morning, and I was overwhelmed by how many of your prayers were answered. Ever since the birth and death of our daughter Therese, ultrasounds have been an incredibly stress-filled experience for me. I still vividly remember the day Therese was diagnosed with anencephaly. June 18th, 2002 changed our lives forever. The dim lights and hum of the ultrasound machine always bring me back to that day, the terrible news, the feelings of desperation, hopelessness, and the unending tears.
But today was different. We arrived at the hospital and were greeted by a wonderful ultrasound tech, the mother of a friend from high school. She knew about Therese, and she knew me. It was a joyful surprise, and I was immediately aware that God was present and taking care of us today. To some this would be a coincidence, but to me, it was clearly an answer to prayer.
As soon as the scan began, we saw a nice beautiful round head (pictured above). I began to cry. The tech immediately said, "see that nice round head, this baby does not have anencephaly." I grabbed Mr. Red's hand and relaxed. My baby looked beautiful. He or she was moving around and otherwise looking very normal for a 14 week baby. The tech carefully pointed out each thing she was looking for, and was full of assurances that our baby looked great. It is obviously still very early, and we will head back for a full anatomy scan at 20 weeks (where they will scan for another neural tube defect called spina bifida). But as of today, all is well.
She then scanned for the cyst that has been causing me so many problems this pregnancy. The cyst shrank considerably, and is now 1/2 the size it was just 1 month ago. This is fabulous news, as I will now avoid having surgery during the pregnancy.
Today was a day of answered prayers. A day when God said yes to the wishes of my heart. And for that I am VERY thankful. I am also keenly aware that it was not just my prayers he was hearing. Thank you all for your prayer for me and for our baby.
--And as a funny aside, I have a history of HUGE babies, and our baby was already measuring almost 1 week ahead in growth! Not bad considering I have eaten much in the past 2 months.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Holy Week Book Activity -- all you need is a pencil and paper
This week, we are reading The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith. This story is a beautifully illustrated retelling of the Passion and uses the perspective of the donkey Jesus rides into Jerusalem. I like the donkey "angle" because we use our donkey figure when we talk about the Nativity as well, the donkey who carries Mary to Bethlehem. I have heard it said that when St. Josemaria Escriva would meditate on a gospel passage he would often picture himself as a humble donkey watching nearby, or working and helping the Holy Family.
To accompany the book, I found these instructions on how to draw a donkey, and we have been practicing this morning. I think I will continue to use this website for other book related drawing times. I really like the simple step by step approach, and later in the week we can try to draw donkeys from memory, to see what we have learned.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Public Service Announcement
Refilling Soap Dispensers and Buying Spices

I can see how these two details might not catch the attention of a typical wife/mother, but to me they almost brought tears to my eyes. You see, as an Army family, we have moved so much in the past 18 months that I have never reached the end of a hand soap pump. Instead, moving day would arrive and we would have to toss a 1/3-full one and then buy a new one at the next place. Spices -forget it! I love my spices, but moving men are insistent that they won't pack anything open or perishable - so the amount of cardamom and ground cloves I have sprinkled in dumpsters across the continental US is rather sad. But here we are - I got to use all of my own cinnamon! Nearly seven months in beautiful Germany and we are finally feeling established (it is all relative). My 14-month-old son is in a real crib and we actually have a land line for the first time since we have been married. It feels good. As we settle in for Holy Week and I pull old craft projects down off of our kitchen cork tiles to replace them with paper palms and cloak-draped crosses it feels peaceful. I feel great joy for my children and husband that the Army has granted us a few years to make our house a home.
Though I suspect there is still some sort of subconscious adrenaline-junkie lurking inside of us, because we haven't accepted this new sense of calm whole-heartedly. Now that things are finally settling into place around here, we have found out that we will be welcoming an AWOL newborn in late October! Nonetheless, what a nice feeling to be able to welcome this new baby into a home he will grow in and learn to love, rather than cradling a 3-day old while the packers tape boxes around us. Thank you, God. A blessed holy week to all.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Safe Driving with a Lively Backseat

1) A college student driving a Beemer while simultaneously listening to her Ipod, Facebooking on her Blackberry, laughing on her cellphone, sipping a $12 Starbucks drink and applying mascara
2) A blind and deaf 85 year old driving out of the church parking lot
3) A 16 year old test-driving his uncle’s red Ferrari while test-drinking his grandfather’s homemade whiskey
4) An overworked, underloved 55 year old banker gunning his new Harley past the playground where the pretty moms hang
5) Me, behind the wheel of a Camry, with Angelina screaming loudly enough to shatter the windshield (she strongly dislikes car rides), Bean incessantly requesting fresh-squeezed orange juice, Bella insisting that I talk like Peter Pan while she pretends to be Wendy Darling, and our slightly-too-peppy Fisher Price Car Songs CD in the background.
The correct answer is (5). I won't describe the three "thank you guardian angels" near-incidents that I've created in the past two months. Suffice it to say we're basically entirely pedestrian these days (thanks to the great, walkable village where we live) until I get the situation under control. Do you have any suggestions on car rules/guidelines for lively little passengers and ways to enforce rules while driving? Or should we go ahead and install an automated sound-proof window that separates the front seat from the rest of the vehicle in our Toyota limousine?
The Springtime of Pope John Paul II
Thursday, April 2, 2009
When Baby Makes Happy
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Spring is well underway in Texas and our family has spent the last several weekends up to our knees and elbows in dirt. Gardening is such a beautiful way to introduce your children to the wonder and beauty of nature.
One of my earliest memories is from kindergarten. I can remember what my classroom looked like only because it was the back drop to my little styrofoam cup with a seed in it. We watered our seeds every day and watched in wonder as they sprouted and pushed their way through the loose soil to show us their green heads. We compared them everyday to see whose was growing the most. We tended them with care, learning responsibility for taking care of something that was depending on us for its life.
I am the first to confess that I know very little about gardening. Where we live, we don't even have soil, we have clay. If I ever decide to take up pottery, I will have to look no further than my back door for the raw materials, but our ground is no friend to gardening. So I have been reading books and attended a lecture by our local garden club.
Generally, I am a believer in "it's the process, not the product", but it helps to have the right organic material (compost) to make something grow. But if you've got good soil, water and sun, you should be set. Some books to get started: Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew and (especially for Texans) anything by Howard Garrett. See if you have a local gardening club. There are usually experienced gardeners in the area who are thrilled to give a gardening novice some pointers. Check you library for books and programs.
There are tons and tons of books on gardening with kids. Check some out from your library to get ideas. One of my favorites is Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots.
Consider what is feasiable. At our old home, we did not have a big yard, but I dedicated a 5x5 block of space and we constructed an inexpensive raised bed to grow herbs and tomatoes. Even if you are in an apartment with no yard, there are many herbs and plants that you can grow indoors. A friend mentioned that Costco had tomato plants in containers last week (they may not be available in the northeast yet). Perfect for a porch or patio. And if space and budget are absolutely prohibitive, a stryofoam cups and a 50 cent pack of seeds are still enough to captivate. Wonder with your child. Drop whatever you are doing when you hear the first shouts of, "Mommy, Look! Something's growing!" and share the moment with your child. Let your child tell you what he sees.
I have much more to say about this subject, but it will have to wait for another time. I could to a whole post on gardening/planting books for kids. So many great ones! How Groundhog's Garden Grew is a good one to illustrate the gardening process. And, of course, anything by Beatrix Potter.