Friday, August 1, 2008

I miss my Magnificat

Today is the first of August, which means I just had to throw away my July edition of Magnificat, and I don't have one for August.. bummer. Why I love Magnificat: You are never ever behind! This little, unimposing daily Mass companion sits on my side table in our great room and just looks at me. It is not like other scary books that glare at me. Sometimes my Bible glares at me, or the novel I have been slugging through for weeks, or the laundry basket -- they glare at me.

, on the other hand, just sits there, nice and small, with beautiful artwork adorning its cover and it always has something inside just perfect for me. When the kids are playing together and I have 4.7 free minutes, I can snag it, open it, and either read morning prayer, Mass, or evening prayer. And time keeps moving. I know that on the 1st of the next month, no matter how much of this month's Magnificat I have read, it will go in the trash. For the next 30 days I will get a new beautiful-cover-adorned treasure trove of Saints' biographies, daily meditations on the Mass readings, and prayers to fill my heart at all hours of the day. It is a lovely little companion.

Thanks to the Catholic Company for providing the Builders with a free July Magnificat.


B-Mama said...

I agree, the Magnificat is a wonderful, unimposing way to infuse Christ into my day. It has been a great encouragement to me... I sometimes will read aloud the morning meditation over breakfast with the kids. While they don't understand a word of it, they seem to get that it is something special and worth listening to. I'm hoping someday it might, perhaps, begin to sink in!

Right Said Red said...

I love those pictures too!

Ellyn said...

Our parish collects 'used' Magnificats for use in prison ministry. I'm not sure of the details, but I'm told they are much appreciated even when they are out of date. (I've also used the art for various collage projects etc.)

B-Mama said...

Ooooh! Great idea ellyn! I have a bunch of old issues on my nightstand that would serve in other ways so well...