Sunday, October 12, 2008

From First Things, on the contradictions of contemporary feminism

"One need look no further than the woman swallowing her artificial contraception pills with organic green tea."


Bethany said...

I have a friend who often complains that the Catholic Church believes that a woman's only value is in her uterus. She, a fallen Catholic herself, has grasped on to the autonomous feminism that allows her to be anything but feminine. Of course she compensates by dressing in skirts (not short ones mind you, but...) embellished tank tops, fitted jackets, make up, well dressed hair, girly shoes, lots of jewelry etc... etc...
Though she does have a job that requires her to look her best for presenting information, her feminine qualities lie purely on her outward appearance and not on how she behaves or what she values.

The next time she brings up the "Catholics believe a woman is only useful for her uterus" I will, calmly as I can, explain that we do not believe that a woman is only good for her uterus. But to deny the fact that a woman has a uterus for the sole purpose of having children is preposterous, not to mention offensive.

Heather said...

I love this essay! I was at the conference myself and gleaned so much from the wisdom of the speakers there. I think Amanda writes so well and really encapsulates what happened at the conference. As someone who used to be on the other side of the argument and has since repented, it was so refreshing to hear what all of the speakers said and to read this essay. To be a woman who is true to her nature is such a joyous thing!

Right Said Red said...

Thanks for the link JM.

texas mommy said...

This quotation reminds me of Red's idea for a "Go green with NFP" campaign...